1. long and tiresome: tedious tasks; a tedious journey.
2. wordy so as to cause weariness or boredom, as a speaker or writer; prolix.
te·di·ous·ly, adverb
te·di·ous·ness, noun
My own definition: Basically the word tedious is referring to some work that requires a lot of time and is also very boring.
Example Sentences:
1. The worker was sitting in his cubicle staring blankly at the paperwork that must be alphabetized. Wondering when he will get off work and get away from tedious printing paper filled
with thousands of words, he turned his eyes towards the clock in the far corner.
2. The professor gave a sigh of sadness as he realized he must stay after school to tediously grade the tests that the students took yesterday.
Adults at work in an office is the best use, because we usually refer to boring work with a man in a cubicle on his computer. I mean the whole picture of being confined in a cubicle doing absolutely nothing but filling out paper work is boring and long some, so when a worker wants to complain he has a great word to complain with.
- My word is a lot like dull, but it is different because dull is usually used to describe someone that is boring instead of something that is boring. Dull is also used to describe something that is not physically sharp and the word tedious does not have a second definition like that at all.
-My word is pretty much the exact opposite of interest, because to be interested means your attention, curiosity, or concern is drawn into something.
My Rating:
I would rate tedious with about 3 stars just because the word is quite similar to a more wider known word called boring. Although tedious is very creative and is more specific because you are talking about work instead of just in general, boring seems to be used more often.
After this long repetitive day of working on paperwork in the office as it seems, an accident occurs on top of the stress and boredom.
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