Be- myooz
used with objects mainly.
This word is a verb meaning to bewilder or confuse (someone).
If you do not get something you could be bemused about that topic f thing that is before you.
This word can be used as bemused or bemusement
Example: I was bemused at the information I was given over the radio on the situation that I been put in.
People often are in bemusement on the motivation that someone had to climb a mountain.
This word should be used around a more intelligent bunch of people, not only because they would know what it means but they will know how to use it in a sentence. they would also know how to understand the meaning of why you used the word. Also i first came across this word in a book written by a man from the Isle Of Man, Great Britain, so coming to the conclusion that maybe a lot of British people use this word in there everyday lives.
My word is like Amuse the first meaning of amuse was 'to divert the attention of in order to mislead,' so its not just confusion its also to mislead someone.
My word is pretty much the opposite of clarify. Which means to make something clear to someone.
I give this word a 4 out of 5 stars because this word is great, not only can you say it with an accent, you can use it in other parts of the world like Great Britain. Also this word can be put into a book to sound a little more intelligent with word choice! This word also makes a person sound like they have a little more passion in what they are saying, instead of I was confused, its like I was in Bemusement.
This is a picture of a monkey that looks confused out of his mind his something that it is being show of something.
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